In the following you can find the group members (and their topics of interest) who may supervise your final projects (both Bachelor and Master).

Potential supervisor Topics of interest
Enrico Vicario TDB
Alessandro Fantechi TBD
Laura Carnevali Stochastic Modeling and Analysis, Performance and Reliability Evaluation, Model Driven Engineering, Software Engineering for Embedded Systems, Schedulability Analysis of Real-Time Systems
Roberto Verdecchia Empirical Software Engineering, Software Repository Mining, Software Analysis, Technical Debt, Green AI, Software Engineering Education and Training
Benedetta Picano Algorithms for Resource Allocation in Edge-Cloud Computing, Age of Information in Computing Systems, Federated Analytics, Software-driven Networks in Heterogeneous Domains
Leonardo Scommegna Software Architectures, Software Aging and Rejuvenation, Runtime Verification, Software Monitoring, Model-based Testing
Imad Zaza TBD