Our end goal is the ever-improvement of the development, maintenance, and quality optimization processes of software products. To do so, we employ a mix of formal and empirical methods to design and evaluate new approaches and algorithms, from their theoretical conception to their hands on experimentation and deployment.

Keenly interested in technology transfer, we keep thigh bonds with industrial partners to ensure a continuous and fruitful knowledge exchange between academia and industry.

Our vision is to strive towards formally-proven, evidence-based, and data-driven software engineering solutions, with which we can jointly progress towards higher-quality, more performant, and more sustainable software.


Our focus is on the following scientific areas of interest:

Analysis and design of real-time systems
Edge to Cloud Computing
Stochastic modeling and quantitative evaluation
Empirical Software Engineering
Software Architectures
Safery-critical Systems

Our strength is the balance between scientific quality and industrial relevance.

Some Application areas and Partners

Application areas

  • Medical domain
  • Cloud-based software
  • Software development consultancy

Academic partners

Non-academic partners

We believe that research should have practical value and be useful in the real world. For this reason, we work closely with our industrial partners to understand and address their actual needs, establishing a long lasting bi-directional communication. As outlook, we aim our research endeavors to contribute to the local and international agenda by providing innovative and scientifically sound solutions for a better future.

Industry-academia conjunct laboratory